Monday, September 20, 2010

Change Clothes and Go

It feels like it is still summer.  Yet, when I was out and about this weekend, I saw temporary Halloween stores popping up.  Halloween always seems like something that happens when it is brisk outside, and here it is supposed to be 89 degrees this week.  I am starting to see what kind of Halloween patterns are out there for the making.  I haven't been too impressed with what I've seen lately.  Then again, I am not sure what I am really expecting.  There are a lot of themed tea cozy patterns.  I know I definitely don't want those.  (On a side note, how many tea cozies does one person need?  If I just went by the old school patterns available out there, I would comfortably say that every knitter has 200.  What is a tea cozy really used for anyway?  Isn't it just a doily?)  Halloween always brings out a very indecisive person that I usually grow annoyed with in others.  I always have these grand ideas of elaborate, themed costumes and by the 11th hour when we are on the way to some party, I give up, change clothes and go as a risque ________.  The blank changes from year to year to whatever is easily accessible and clean.  Maybe I should over task myself and knit an entire costume in a month...  Then, if I get it halfway done, I could make it a "risque" theme! 


  1. you are too hot to handle. and interestingly enough, the first time i tried to comment, the "mystery" word i had to type in was "horni".
