Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Friends Say I Should Act My Age

I have had a ton of stuff going on over the past few days.  I am a regular social butterfly, you might say.  But, it definitely is starting to catch up to me.  Today, on the commute home, I found myself sleeping like Big Bird.  My face was basically tucked into my oversized sweater and I may or may not have been snoring like a bird.  Had I been wearing yellow, people may have asked me for my autograph.  Leading up to this, I have been dining out, meeting up with friends, drinking wine.  I am not that person.  I am usually pretty lame in that I watch a lot of Kardashians and knit.  Lately with the success diet, I feel like I have the energy to do everything and wake up early for work.  It's amazing what a few fruits and vegetables will do.  Embracing this, I am going to test the absolute limits of what my body can withstand--much like college.   I need to start acting like I am in my late 20's and not my early 80's.  I may need to amend this to say, that I will go out and be social like I am in my late 20's, but I will vow to always carry my knitting with me like I am in my 80's. 

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