Monday, November 15, 2010

How Ya Livin' Biggie Smallz?

My mom is by far my biggest fan.  Half the battle of starting this yarn shop is gaining the confidence to think what your selling is worthy of being purchased.  Every time I put a new skein or hat or other random knitted item up for sale, she tells me it is the best thing on the internet.  You would swear that my yarn was spun from gold leaves and my knitting was blessed by a thousand baby pandas.  The other night, my mother was looking up stuff on Etsy to compare to my shop.  And, before I say this, I would like to stress that there is a lot of great stuff on Etsy.  So many people are so creative, and their packaging is beyond professional in presentation.  I want to be those sellers.  Hopefully, I will be someday.  But, back to the subject at hand.  My mother called to tell me that she looked at every last item on Etsy and mine was by far the best.  It is good to have such a loyal fan base, even if that fan base doesn't knit and happened to give birth to you.  I am hoping that at some point my fan base will be more extensive than blood relatives, and eventually to those who knit.  Even Notorious B.I.G.'s mother loved his music, and it is quite possible that she wasn't a fan of early 90's rap.  Maybe she was.  I hope I can make Notorious B.I.G. money on yarn someday.  If my kid was making millions off of rap, I would be all about it.  Hell, I have my mom sporting my merchandise now and I don't have Biggie money.  Speaking of which, does the B.I.G. actually spell out something?  I always assumed that it was because he was so fat.  I should have made my company Cutthroat Y.A.R.N., a mysterious acronym that no one can guess.  I should task my mom with coming up with a sweet meaning for Y.A.R.N. 


  1. Your Mom is one of my favorite people on this great big earth. I do testify that I have spent many hours listening to her proud laughter filled stories of you:D It warms my heart---Y.our'e A. R.are N.ugget of pure GOLD!!

  2. I do like the Y.A.R.N.

    And, it is funny because YOU are one of MY favorite people on this earth!
