Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Well, I Thought About the Army

I am starting to feel like a real, live, legitimate business.  Tonight, I ordered my business cards for Cutthroat Yarn so I can get the word out.  I decided to offer knitting lessons to get the word out.  Can a job exist where I make yarn all day in a shop surrounded by other knitters?  Yes.  It takes me owning my own shop.  I am nervous about giving strangers lessons.  I can teach people how to knit, but when they are people I know, my teaching method involves shame and anger.  If people are paying me to teach them knitting, I feel like screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOOOOOING?!" is probably inappropriate.  Unless, however, I can market a knitting boot camp!  Yes!  This is exactly what I would be awesome at.  I could be the Jillian Michaels of knitting.  Maybe I could be marketed on Maury for troubled youth in need of a hobby.  "YOUR PURLS LOOK LIKE 4TH GRADER PURLS!  YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!"  Anyone want lessons?

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