Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Think I'm Turning Japanese

Now, I love cooking shows.  And, I love celebrity chefs.  That is why I like Iron Chef America.  I always knew there was another version, but I never watched it.  Right now, against my will, I am watching the Japanese version.  I had to put down the knitting because I am finding this show is making it difficult to pay attention.  To be fair, I will watch any show that is dubbed into English.  I cannot help but think about those people who are sitting in a sound booth trying to have a conversation like they are in Kitchen Stadium.  That has to be an awkward situation, especially on a cooking show where they are having to make a lot of noises during the eating portion.  "Mashed  taters Japanese style!"  "Mashed potatoes come with gravy, no?"  "What is a meatloaf?"  "No!  They are cooking the tuna!"  They are laughing about everything!  Also, the chef is from Canada so they are giving a lot of helpful information to the Japanese about the Canadian culture.  One lady has a hair style with braids and feathers and she said it was a traditional hairstyle in Canada.  Now, I have only been to Canada 3 times so maybe I haven't really gotten the full experience.  But, I have to say, whaaaaaaaat?   Also, they treat the Chairman like a burn victim in that his whole body is covered.  Gloves, really?  Do people really watch this show outside of a drinking game situation?  Drink every time a weird fact about Canada is proven untrue!  Drink every time the Chairman is making a face like someone on To Catch A Predator!  Drink every time the host gets insulted by Morimoto!  I am drunk just thinking about it. 

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