Wednesday, January 5, 2011

She Could See From My Face...

Every awards season, the Cutthroats try to watch every movie that is up for Oscars and Golden Globes.  I am loving the ability to knit and truck through these OnDemand movies at the same time.  I am busy these days and I have to multitask as much as possible.  Although, I haven't had the guts to knit during a movie at a movie theater yet.  Watching some scenes in Black Swan, I wish I had.  If I go see 127 Hours, I very well might.  I forgot all about that story until I was reminded.  Now, that will be the hardest one to get through.  Knitting and watching something with subtitles is a bit challenging.  While watching The American, I kept having to ask, "what did he say?"  and "wait, what's going on?"  I was annoying, more than normal.  Also, I may have had to rewind a few workout scenes with Clooney.  And, with all I have heard about Blue Valentine, I will not be knitting during it.  Well, maybe if it is only the R version.  No one wants the R version, give me the NC-17 version and you've got my attention.  That's basically the only reason that I rented Lust, Caution.  Artsy, award-winning, yada yada yada, and NC-17.  Don't get me wrong here.  I don't go out and rent adult movies.  I just have to see what all the crazy is about when mainstream actors and actresses go for the NC-17 movie.  You could put that rating on  Toy Story 3 (which is on the AFI 2010 list, by the way) and I will watch it to see what in the hell Tom Hanks and Tim Allen could possibly be saying.  The suspense would be too great.  I once downloaded a terrible song- cough, James Blunt, cough-because I saw there was an explicit version.  I had to know what could possibly be in the song to make it explicit.  Now, it comes up on every random shuffle and I basically want to put a letter opener through my face after jumping in front of a bus.  (See what I did there?)  I guess this isn't making my case for seeing a movie simply for the curious angle. 

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