In an ongoing quest to see all the Oscar-worthy performances of last year, we saw The King's Speech tonight. It was very good. Acting was great. Although, I will say that I had a hard time distinguishing Scabbers away from Winston Churchill. Yes, I hear how that sounds. But, enough about the movie, there is another thing I want to discuss.
Why, why, why, why do old ladies insist on making noise during a movie? This is the precise reason that I like going to the theater for shows like, Get Him to the Greek. There are no old ladies there. And, if they accidentally stumbled in, mistaking it for something akin to The Queen, they would quickly leave. If one old lady wasn't bad enough, they always travel in packs. They pass each other butterscotch candies and ask if the other one is awake. Phrases like "What did he say?" and "I don't care for that language!" is common place. Mr. Cutthroat gets wildly uncomfortable when I turn around and stare angrily. I will absolutely say anything to anyone in a theater if they talk. Just ask Cousin Abu Dabie about the time when I yelled at a girl during the History of Violence. In my defense, the nature of the movie made that argument escalate rather quickly. At the last Harry Potter midnight showing, some girl was behind me and asked her date when Voldemort came on the screen, "Is he a bad guy?" 1) The midnight show is for fans. 2) Yes, the guy who resembles a snake torchering the girl on camera is in fact a bad guy. I shut her down immediately with, "No! We are NOT doing this." With The King's Speech, I should expect the old ladies. But, I will never grow to like them. In 90 years when I am as old as the ladies behind me tonight, there will probably be no theaters. I will be sitting in my chair, shushing my cats. That reminds me: must pick up Wether's Originals.
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