Sunday, February 6, 2011

Yesterday's Gone, Yesterday's Gone

I have been quite the lazy knitter lately.  I have shelved a lot of projects and I just can't make myself pull them back out.  Christmas was very hectic; a lot of orders, yarn requests, and the like.  Now, I can't seem to motivate myself out of my knitting rut.  Don't get me wrong, I am still loving knitting.  I just need to finish all these boring projects so I don't feel bad about picking up something new.  I have a cashmere scarf, as previously mentioned in blog posts, and I cannot finish it.  I get so angry every time I look at it.  I am going to make a commitment to finish it today.  Or, maybe this month.  I could have knitted a million things in the time it has taken to me do this scarf.  One lesson learned for this project:  tiny needles are the devil.  I have a lot of ideas for things I want to do for my Etsy Shop.  And, I am being handcuffed by one hat and one scarf.  Hopefully, the next time I write, I will have one or both of those things done. 

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