Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This Must Be It, Welcome to the New Year

Wow.  What a week!  Christmas is over.  Family time is over.  2010 is over.  I had such a great time in the last week that it is hard to get back into the routine of working, commuting, and normalcy for all of 2 days.  I think that waking up today for work was the hardest thing I have had to do in a while.  I would have rather thrown myself down a flight of stairs than sit in an office all day.  A broken leg or work?  A broken leg is better.  Although, I say that having never had a broken leg. 
I feel that the year's great holidays go in order of greatness.  Christmas is obviously the best holiday, and working backwards, they get progressively worse until you get to New Year's Eve.  I hate New Year's Eve.  It is such a let-down.  The premise is to get dressed up, drink, and watch the clock.  I always get really excited about New Year's Eve and nothing ever really happens.  I am not sure what I am expecting when it is midnight.  I feel like something should explode with glitter and tiny kittens and free cake.  That never happens.  I am always standing awkwardly alone when my friends are hugging each other.  Then, you look over and "that" guy that came with one of your friends is standing there hugless.  You feel obligated to hug him and you don't even really like him.  Ugh.  Every year.  What a weird holiday!  Happy changing the year on your calendar!  Who cares?  Give me a present or some fireworks or a parade!  This year, I am staying in. 

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