Sunday, April 10, 2011

Don't Speak, I Know Just What You're Thinking

I have gotten into a terrible habit.  And, no, this has nothing to do with this awesome shiraz-cab blend I discovered.  It would seem that every time I get into hot water with someone in my life, I have decided to make amends by offering to knit something for them.  Not only am I cutting into any small bit of profit that I would be making, but it is keeping me very busy.  I have a lot of opinions and a terrible sense of timing.  I have had several gems in the past few weeks that maybe could have gone differently.  But, they all end the same way: 
"Hey, I didn't mean that your kid has a small head!  Let me knit you a hat with horizontal stripes!" 
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about that guy your girlfriend slept with.  Would a scarf make you feel better?"
"I know, I shouldn't have insinuated your marriage will end in a ball of flames.  Socks?"
"I wasn't talking about you!  I was talking about someone else with your name/awkward personality quirk.  Your dog needs a sweater!" 
I might as well just start knitting a cute sock for the foot that resides in my mouth.  Perhaps it would make it easier, quicker to get over if I have a stash of pre-made "I'm sorry" gifts.  This could also be a recipe for disaster.  I may just use it as a license to insult people, just to hand them a gift.  "I hate your boyfriend!  Here have this coffee cup cozy."

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