Well, it has been an overextended month.
First, there was the yarn. I am still making yarn for sale at Looped Yarn Works in Washington D.C. Well, the wonderful ladies called and placed a huge order! I was more than happy to oblige. I was dyeing, spinning, and niddy noddying like crazy. My hands and wrists were shriveled stumps by the end of the order. But, my heart was very happy. I got the best sleep of my life when all the skeins were measured, spun, and delivered.
The very same week, we moved into an amazing, adult apartment. We bought some new pieces for the apartment, discarded some old junk, and vowed to really take care of this one. I feel like my life has been upgraded. Every move, my marriage teeters on the brink of being fortified for the test of time or ripped apart in brutal bitterness. Moves are hard.
Then, the walk. Mr. Cutthroat and I, along with four of our friends, walked the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. Our three day weekend was a 20 mile per day jaunt to bring awareness to breast cancer. I learned a lot about what my body is capable of over those miles: not much. Since Sunday, I have been hobbling back and forth to work, walking like I am headed to a 4 PM dinner with shuffleboard to follow. The experience was positive overall. That being said, the first day was brutal. It rained. Very, very hard. My whole body ended the day looking like I spent three hours in a bathtub. I was wrinkled, pruney, and not cute. My luggage spent Friday much like I did--in the rain. Everything I had to wear for the weekend was damp. And, by Sunday, I didn't smell like three days of sweat, but two days of mildew. So, half dozen of one and six of the other. Walking the city was great, though. It gave me the opportunity to check out areas that I am not used to, including an awesome pancake house. The walk was hard but there were so many people rooting us on with big bowls of bite sized Snickers. After the weekend I had, I walked into Weight Watchers today with extra pep in my step. I knew that this going to be the best weigh in yet! Could it beat the time I accidentally lost six lbs in a week which resulted in a panic attack? NO! I lost .2 lbs. That's right, 3.5 ounces. If I have to walk a three day marathon to maintain my weight, I would rather go to Hell with KFC and a doughnut in my hand, having to be airlifted out of my new fancy apartment to my specially made casket in the funeral home for the obese.
I came home today and made peanut brittle.